Friday, 28 August 2015

But I do it for the love, waitin' on the gold rush // OOTD

Hey, hi, hello. I'm back with another outfit post for ya because I enjoy doing them so why the heck not! Here goes nuthin'...

I love a bargain, and this striped smock dress from Primark was a whole THREE QUID in the sale. I queued up just to buy this, because there was nothing else I liked but I just couldn't leave it there. It's one of those 'chuck on and go' pieces, which everyone needs in their wardrobe if you ask me. The lacey crochet cover up thing is also from Primark - last year, but it's something that they bring out every summer!

Embarrassingly, I own about 25 pairs of little frilly socks. These particular ones are from New Look and have adorable flowers on - they were a birthday present from my dog. My shoes are from Missguided, and they're what I call my Ugly Shoes; they aren't actually ugly, but they sort of... are? My bracelets are from all over the place, including some I've made myself. Sassy. My Ny-Lon bag* is making an appearance again, because I bloomin' love it.

Photo credits to my girlfriend, as always. I love this outfit - any excuse to wear frilly socks, they truly are my favourite fashion item!


  1. You look amazing! And I love what you're wearing, it looks beautiful on you!

    Love, Amie ❤

    The Curvaceous Vegan

  2. I love this look! That dress is adorable - I don't blame you for picking it up. Oh, and love that bag too!

    Rachael at
