Saturday, 11 July 2015

8 photos of happiness tag...

The lovely Sarah tagged me to do the 8 photos of happiness tag, created by Ariel and I thought I'd give it a go, because happiness is so important and I love looking back at photos both old and recent. Memories can be captured so beautifully.

I used to SCUBA dive a lot when I was younger - I'm qualified at open water level and I loved it, because I have a love of the ocean. It makes me quite panicky now, but I hope to get back into it in the future! Plus, how good are my nails here...

This was the first time Sam and I went away together, to see the Alexander McQueen exhibition in London at the V&A (would highly recommend if you've not seen it). We had such a fab time.

I'm no photographer, but I love this photo I took of Sam when we were in Spain. She's laughing her head off and it just makes me so happy.

My grandad was my best friend and I loved him more than anyone; this was our last holiday before he died, and we were partners in the crime the whole week (well, my whole life really!)

You can't take serious photos on the back of a boat, really! I love my mum and dad soooo much and this photo always makes me smile.

My girlfriend and my god-sister are my two favourite people ever, and they finally met when we went for my birthday meal. I love this photo of us all, so cute.

There is nothing about this photo that doesn't make me smile: I love my dog soooo much, and she was given this hoody by one of our family friends, who I also love, and the way she is looking at me it is so cute as if to say "What u doin". My lil hoodlum.

Last but not least is me in Malaga; this is one of my fave photos of me. It was a few months before I was diagnosed with depression, and I love my outfit and it was such a sunny day. Granted I was on holiday with my prick of an ex, but I do love this picture!

It was so hard to whittle down these photos to just 8 as there's soooo many photos that make me smile. I'm completely snap happy and have albums coming out of my ears. There's so many more of my friends and family that I would love to have included, but y'all make me super happy and I love you even if your photo isn't here. 

Sammy: Little Fickle
Jemma: Dorkface


  1. This is such a cute idea! I love all the photos, you are so pretty as well :)

  2. I love this tag :) so cute and I love all the photos! I always love being appreciative of the little things that make you happy! xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  3. Love it, Katy. I found it so difficult to just pick 8, I could have easily picked 100 lol.

    Sarah x

  4. This is such a sweet, happy tag. What a lovely mixture of photographs as well - I love that you've included your dog along with your family and friends!


  5. What a positive tag, I love it! Your dog is adorable :)
    Maeve // Thrift O'Clock
