Friday 24 April 2015

Spring/Summer eBay wishlist

Honey Bee print // I am soooo obsessed with bees for no discernible reason, and this print (which is actually on a vintage dictionary page) is so cute, and I think it will look precious in my new uni room when I move house in September. click here

Yellow lace bralet // Okay so I definitely don't suit yellow, as a rule, but I think this with high waisted jeans and a massive checked shirt this will look here

Pink jelly sandals // These remind me so much of my childhood, and I had a pair two years ago but I wore them to death so it's about time I replaced them. Sam and I are hopefully going to Budapest this year, and I can't think of a better pair of shoes to see the city in! click here

Cat eye sunglasses // I normally go for aviator styles or those massive ones that make me look slightly like a bug, in a good way, so I thought maybe this year I'd go for something a bit different. We'll see. click here

Jurassic Park t-shirt // Oversized t shirts with a body con skirt or a pair of denim shorts, is literally my staple outfit in the summer time - so I love stocking up on fun t shirts. click here


  1. These are all fab! Love this wishlist :) I think cat eye sunglasses would really suit you! I have jelly sandals, they're the best :) and I am super excited to see Jurassic World when it comes out omg omg omg, the second trailer is out and ohhh myyyyyy...
    amber love

  2. Love seeing what's in other people's ebay wishlists, there are some fab finds on that site and I love your choices here! I don't suit yellow either, but something about that check shirt/jeans combo is calling to me!

    little miss fii || Fii x

  3. Everything here is awesome! I really want some new glasses with a cat eye frame but I don't think I have the face shape for them, which sucks!

    That bralet is gorgeous. The shirt and jeans combo sounds like it will be a rockin' outfit!

  4. i LOVE that jurassic part top & that lace bralet is so pretty!!! yellow isn't quite my color either but it's so pretty (and for an AMAZING price!!!) xoxo

  5. I feel like I might need the Jurassic Park t-shirt! Then I can wear it when I go to see the new film! Those jelly shoes are cool but I remember that they used to hurt when you wore them the first few times when I was younger! It didn't stop me having numerous pairs though!

    I hope you are able to get some of these :D

    Lauren :) x
