Saturday 7 March 2015

The 'how I read' tag //

I saw the lovely Lynsey and Roisin do this tag on YouTube, and being a book worm I thought I'd give it a go too.

1 // How do you find out about new books to read?
A lot of the reading I do is uni-related, whether that be our core texts or just other books that have been mentioned during seminars - but I always get books for Christmas and my birthday, and they're usually ones my mum has chosen for me. And of course I take to Twitter and blogs for recommendations if I need something new!

2 // How did you get into reading?

My mum read to me every night before bed from when I was teeny-tiny, so I can't imagine a life that doesn't involve reading. I've always been obsessed with books and when I was little I would have a different one in every room of the house, ready to pick up as and when I got bored.

3 // How has your taste in books changed as you've gotten older?

As I've grown up I've started to appreciate classic literature a lot more, and there are a lot of books with "adult themes" that I wasn't allowed to/didn't want to read when I was younger. I've been into crime fiction since I was quite young though, and that's still my favourite genre!

4 // How often do you buy books?

As and when I have money to spare, or when one of my favourite authors releases something new - is there any better feeling than a brand new book in your hand? I always scour the bookshelves in charity shops too.

5 // How did you get into booktubing?
Well I'm not a booktuber BUT I do watch some; mainly because one of the fashion/beauty YouTubers I used to watch started doing book hauls and reviews, so I wondered if anyone else did that sort of stuff - lo & behold, they did. Obviously.

6 // How do you react when you don't like the end of a book?

Throw it down in exasperation and start muttering under my breath about how angry I am. And then squeeze my eyes shut/beg for a sequel that rectifies the ending.

7 // How often have you taken a sneaky look at the back page of a book to see if it's a happy ending?

Never ever. My aunty does this with every book she reads; I personally can't think of anything worse. When I'm reading, I cover the bottom of every right hand page so I don't see any spoilers. That sounds so sad now I've written it in a blog post. PS, the right hand page of a book is called the Recto, in case you were wondering. Although I know you weren't.

8 // How many people are you going to tag, and who are they?

There's nobody I particularly want to tag but if you want to do it, pleaseeeee do so and let me know in the comments or on Twitter!
Want to see a book review? 'course you do


  1. I used to love reading so much. but now I do still read...just instead I read lovely blogs like yours instead of novels :) xx

  2. Such a fab tag. I'm really getting back into reading more and I just can't think if anything better than sitting down with a book and ignoring everything else. I get so immersed in my books it's crazy I actually feel panic and happiness for the characters, there's always one that I really want good things to happen to haha!

    I am yet to try some classic literature, do you have any recommendations? Also I have never seen a book tuber haha! Oh dear haha!

    Would you mind if I did the tag too hun? My blog is getting outdated it needs new posts haha! I love posts like this :)

    Love Claire xx

  3. Such a fab tag. I'm really getting back into reading more and I just can't think if anything better than sitting down with a book and ignoring everything else. I get so immersed in my books it's crazy I actually feel panic and happiness for the characters, there's always one that I really want good things to happen to haha!

    I am yet to try some classic literature, do you have any recommendations? Also I have never seen a book tuber haha! Oh dear haha!

    Would you mind if I did the tag too hun? My blog is getting outdated it needs new posts haha! I love posts like this :)

    Love Claire xx

  4. Such a fab tag. I'm really getting back into reading more and I just can't think if anything better than sitting down with a book and ignoring everything else. I get so immersed in my books it's crazy I actually feel panic and happiness for the characters, there's always one that I really want good things to happen to haha!

    I am yet to try some classic literature, do you have any recommendations? Also I have never seen a book tuber haha! Oh dear haha!

    Would you mind if I did the tag too hun? My blog is getting outdated it needs new posts haha! I love posts like this :)

    Love Claire xx

  5. I was crazy on reading when I was younger - I always wanted to be an author like Jacqueline Wilson haha! I do still love reading but I never seem to find the time to just sit down and read, I've always got other things going on. I'm currently trying to read Wild by Cheryl Strayed, it's great so far! xx

  6. Haha I can totally relate to number 6. I duno if you're a Friends fan but the question made me think of the time Joey hid 'Little Women' in the freezer because he couldn't handle where the book was going :')
