Friday, 13 February 2015

Valentines Day when you're single...

I'm one for those people who loves Valentines Day when I'm in a relationship - swapping presents, an excuse to dress up and treating each other like royalty all day - and I absolutely hate it when I'm single, which I currently am. Call me bitter but is there anything worse than loved up couples when you're single? Read on for my top 5 tips of how to spend the day when you're a lonely potato like

1 // Girls night in. Gather your best girl friends and copious amounts of junk food (Ben&Jerrys, Dominos, nachos, chocolate...) and have a pamper night - face masks and painting each others toe nails,plenty of gossip and maybe a glass of wine of two if you're over the legal age. I'm watching you.

2 // Me time. Nothing beats your favourite Spotify playlist, a hot bubble bath and a good book, followed by fresh bed sheets and an early night with a cheesy film, or a horror-thriller if you're throwing all romance out of the window. Bliss.

3 // Family first. Maybe a relative, elderly or otherwise, has recently lost their loved one - it might be nice to spend time with them, if they're feeling particularly lonely. Sob sob. Deep.

4 // Go clubbing. I've never been clubbing on Valentines Day (night) so I can't really tell you what it might be like, but hopefully all the smoochy couples will be in classy cocktail bars or snuggled up in bed together, and it will be like a massive singles party. There are worse ways to spend a Saturday night, am I right?

5 // Cry. Spend the whole day eating share bags of Doritos, crying into your pillow and remembering all the times you were loved up and took it for granted. Sigh. Be careful not to cover in sheets in crumbs, snot and mascara though.

I'm actually babysitting on Valentines day, I know, how tragic can one person get? But it's all money money money for my trip to Berlin next week! What's your Valentines plans?


  1. Haha i love these, i'm engaged but we don't celebrate valentines because i just really don't like it! So for me it's probably still going to be eating share bags of Doritos, less of the crying maybe....maybe. Depends what i watch haha! Have a great day either way sweetie xx

    Kim x

    1. haha have a lovely weekend whatever you end up doing! xx

  2. I'm not really a fan of Valentine's, I just find the whole thing a bit soppy which isn't really my thing! I will be spending the day with my boyfriend doing a mixture of the things you suggested in the first two points! Nothing beats a good film and a cheeky glass of wine or two! We're not really ones for celebrating, so I'm just looking forward to having a relaxing day really!

    Megan // Lazy Thoughts

  3. Aw some great ideas! I'll be having a girly night in this year! Much better than spending a fortune on a meal out. Strong independent womannnnn haha

    Emma xx

  4. Oh god I love this post! I've never been a huge fan - in a relationship or otherwise - everything's just so over-priced and it's all the same every year! This year will be the first valentines day with my boyfriend and we're celebrating it by getting a MASSIVE DIRTY CHINESE TAKEAWAY and I can't bloody wait! Hahaha. Who said romance was dead? ;) xxx

    1. haha thank you! yeah it's sooo repetitive haha, hope you enjoyed your Chinese ahhhh xxx

  5. ah honey! It is a great post and i loved reading it! It is so well put together! I had a good few valentines days on my own and had the girls night in and me time experience which i loved! The whole thing is so overrated imo anyway! This year however,we were due to go out for a meal,which we can do any night anyway,but i am off work ill so we will be spending it at home watching a movie and a few bottles of wine! Whatever you do get up to,enjoy it eitherways honey,the whole thing is so overrated! xxx

    1. Aw thank you so much! Hope you had a lovely night :) xxx

  6. I'm going to a friends house to watch movies and eat ice cream.. Just like I did last year..

  7. Haha! I am loving this post! I'm probably just gonna have a bit of "me time"! Such a cute blog!xx

    Honeypot Blogs

    1. Aw thank you so much lovely! Hope you had a good weekend xx

  8. Haha love the pictures! I'm married now (anniversary today of all days!) but we kind of deny the whole V Day part of it as it's so overhyped! Hope you have a lovely night whatever you end up doing - Ben & Jerry's always gets my vote x

    1. Aw happy anniversary for Saturday lovely! hope you had a fab weekend x

  9. Hahaha love the first picture! Gonna have to use that one next year

  10. Love this! I used to love Valentine's Day even when I was single because all of my girlfriends and I would get all dressed up and go out. It was always so much fun! I'm celebrating my second Vday with my guy and still lcoe the holiday just as much.

  11. Love this!! I ended up having a girly night with some friends which was perfect!! Hope you had a good day :D xx

  12. I really don't mind Valentine's Day when I'm single. Probably because I don't look at being single as a terrible state of being any other day!

    Having a total pamper me-night is my favourite thing to do. Good food, good wine, good movie -- just don't have to share with anyone. ;)

    Sorcha x Bright Field Notes

  13. Haha great ideas! Spent mine in a similar way to you, oh well;-) love your blog name btw Xx

  14. What a fab (and funny) post! I hope you managed to have fun when babysitting and maybe indulge in some good old fashioned 'me time' at the end of the night.

    I'm actually in a relationship but we don't celebrate it, so it was just like any other day!

