Saturday, 10 January 2015

Take Back What's Yours.

I was tagged by the lovely Abbie to take part in the Take Back What's Yours campaign, started by Chloe over at Chloe's Concept in an attempt to make a difference! By now everyone is sick of seeing new year's resolutions - but this is something different. This is a chance to make a change not just to our own lives, but to the lives of those around us too.

A few days before Christmas 2014, I was diagnosed with depression. This is something I've not told many people, but if I can't be open and honest on my blog then where can I be? So in 2015, I what to take back what's mine: my happiness. And not just that - depression has led to such a lack of confidence and energy, meaning I don't want to do anything that doesn't allow me to lie in bed all day every day. Uni has become a struggle, and seeing my friends is something that I've almost started to dread, because it leaves me feeling tired and uncomfortable. But I'm hoping to change that this year, and I know I have some wonderful people in my life who will support me along the way.

Please excuse my lack of make up
and the grammar mistake ... Oops

If you want to find out more about the campaign, click HERE. I will be tagging 10 bloggers at the end of this post, but of course if I don't tag you, you're still welcome to join in with something that is so wonderful and important!

I think creating a dialogue about the importance of mental health is one of the best things we can do; it's slowly becoming less of a 'taboo' subject, but it's easy to feel as though people are belittling your problems just because they can't see something physically wrong with you. We need to stick together and show people that nobody is alone. On World Mental Health day 2014 I wrote a big rambly post about which has some links to some really great organisations, so definitely check that out HERE

I TAG: JasmineFlorence GraceAntoniaDaisyRachelKayleighMillieKatieZoe, and Kariss (apologies if any of you have already been tagged! Tweet me a link to your posts if/when you do them so I can RT)

Want to see a strange use for green tea? 'course you do


  1. Well done for being so open about your depression! You can't tackle anything without being honest with yourself and the people around you (I don't think!) Great little campaign you have going I hope you get a lot happier Xx

    1. Thank you lovely!!! Yeah that's so true, thankyou so much xxx

  2. I love your posts and I nominated you for the liebster award :)

    1. Thank you lovely, I've already done it though! But I'll be sure to check your's out :)
