Friday 9 September 2016

Post uni blues...

Sick of me talking about uni yet? Suck it up because I'm not done, and today's post is all about the things I'm missing now I've finished my degree. I've gone from spending three years in a pseudo-reality, to being back at home in a small-ish town with not much to do.

I miss learning - I really do. I'm passionate about knowledge and creation and growth, and to go from constantly learning new things, new facts and skills, to not doing that is pretty strange. I read as much as I can to try and absorb new things, but it's not really the same as always having someone to discuss stuff with and bounce ideas off. To continue learning after university, or for help in the run up, it's worth looking at personal tutors from Tutor Hunt.

I miss being with my friends all the time; whether it's sat together in lectures, doing tequila shots in the student union bar or staying up til 3am watching shit TV, uni is somewhere I never felt lonely or alone. There was always some to gossip with, always someone to proof read your essay, always someone sticking the kettle on no matter what time of day it was.

I miss the library, if I'm honest - it was never the right temperature and it was always full of annoying people, but the computers had brilliant software and the staff were quite nice. Plus, books galore. I loved being there in the middle of the night, mostly in my pyjamas, getting shit done.

I miss independence - because being at home, with my parents, is a million times different to living at university. My parents are pretty chill and I love them to bits, but I don't feel like it's right to come and go at all hours of the day, and I don't have my own fridge and my own space (other than my bedroom). I can't eat pot noodles every day and I can't blast my music really loud.

I miss uni - but I'm ready for the next adventure. And yeah, I'm going back to do a masters degree, but it won't be the same; I won't be living away, I won't have the library 2 minutes away, I won't have all those nights out. But I'm excited. It's a new adventure.


  1. I still miss uni a year on - feel your pain! Life goes by so quickly, and I just wish I had known how quickly the three years of uni was going to go, I'd have tried to savour it even more!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XX

  2. I graduated in 2007 and still miss university!

    Lisa | Not Quite Enough

  3. I love this post. I graduated in 2013 and still live in the city where I studied but it's changed beyond recognition in that time as so many people leave (not to mention the oil industry slump and I live in Aberdeen) so this speaks to me. Going from not being able to go anywhere without seeing someone you know to being lucky if you see anyone all weekend is hard.
    I also really miss the library and studying.
    I hope your masters goes well. Good luck!

  4. I love this post. I graduated in 2013 and still live in the city where I studied but it's changed beyond recognition in that time as so many people leave (not to mention the oil industry slump and I live in Aberdeen) so this speaks to me. Going from not being able to go anywhere without seeing someone you know to being lucky if you see anyone all weekend is hard.
    I also really miss the library and studying.
    I hope your masters goes well. Good luck!
